Friday 17 May 2013

Review of perfect scoundrels by Ally Carter

Book name : Perfect scoundrels
Author : Ally Carter
Publisher : Hyperion
Genre : young adult,heist,crime thriller
Published on 5th February 2013
Synopsis :-
Katarina Bishop and W.W. Hale the fifth
were born to lead completely different lives:
Kat comes from a long, proud line of
loveable criminal masterminds, while Hale
is the scion of one of the most seemingly
perfect dynasties in the world. If their
families have one thing in common, it's that
they both know how to stay under the
radar while getting-or stealing-whatever
they want. No matter the risk, the Bishops
can always be counted on, but in Hale's
family, all bets are off when money is on
the line. When Hale unexpectedly inherits
his grandmother's billion dollar
corporation, he quickly learns that there's
no place for Kat and their old heists in his
new role. But Kat won't let him go that
easily, especially after she gets tipped off
that his grandmother's will might have
been altered in an elaborate con to steal the
company's fortune. So instead of being the
heir-this time, Hale might be the mark.
Forced to keep a level head as she and her
crew fight for one of their own, Kat comes
up with an ambitious and far-reaching plan
that only the Bishop family would dare
attempt. To pull it off, Kat is prepared to do
the impossible, but first, she has to decide if
she's willing to save her boyfriend's
company if it means losing the boy. Review:-
This the third novel in heist society series in this novel we saw Katarina bishop trying to save her boyfriend's life or indirectly her own life the new entry in the heist society is not that page turner like the previous novels in the series specifically the first one
I saw novel's plot out of line she is trying to caught the villain but he knows all about her and her family so there's not much in which we can say is heist
There isn't a single word about Romani in the novel but I think we all know who is Romani
But the climax is a little unexpected
Gabrielle's mother is the surprise package but uncle Eddie and Charlie's role are pivotal
Well I'll  give it 4 out 5 stars not much
My favourite was the first one only when they rob Henley
So all in all I can say you can try out this novel if you're Katarina bishop's fan
Warning:- this review is a little out of date as novel is released 3 months ago

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